Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Jacket: Progress

I would have gotten to this sooner, however I was out of commission for the last several days with a nasty cold. It was that kind that approaches slowly, letting you feel it in the back of your throat for several days before suddenly WHAM it hits you with the Niagra of Noses as your body fluids try to evacuate through your face. Thankfully, I am now feeling much better with the help of Vitamin C and Nyquil!

As you saw with the previous post, the fabric all arrived, and I sent it through a bit of pre-washing. I learned that the fabric should be handled with cold wash and air-drying in the future, a valuable lesson! I also had an interesting time drying 2.5 yards of fleecy fabric. My first attempt at draping it over a couple chairs reveled my poor judgment as the chair tops created dimples in the fabric. Thankfully another trip through the wash and then 24 hours on a long wooden beam courtesy of my roommate eliminated most of the dimples in the fabric.

Continue past the jump for actual productiveness and pictures!

I forgot to take a photo of the project with all the pieces cut out, but oh well! That's all rather boring anyways, isn't it?

First step was to get the pockets situated. Thankfully they proved to be far easier with my revision from the muslin version, and the sweatshirt material behaved much nicer than the muslin had. Once I got those attached to the front pieces, I attached the fronts and back at the shoulder. After that came the best part... *shudder* Attaching the sleeves.

Thankfully, once again the material proved to be much more forgiving than the muslin. I think pinching the pieces together up off the board as I went also helped since I wasn't trying as hard to make one piece or the other curve in a way it didn't want to.

A bit of sewing, cursing, and re-sewing later... (Fun stitching a straight line after a zig-zag and realizing you forgot to move the needle back to the center position.) ...the sleeves are attached! Hurray! It's beginning to look more like a jacket!

She loves to leave little cat paw prints in my fleece material.
Huzzah! With that, I consider myself accomplished enough for today, and I must wait for the rib-knit material to arrive later this week for the cuffs and hem. Plus, I ran out of my brown thread! I think the project is telling me to break for now. ;)

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